MIXofDIZ Featured on WOA (Get To Know Your Artists!) S29-E06
“I’ve got a great artist, he’s called MIXofDIZ. That’s the name of his act. I think he’s a solo artist, and he’s been in touch with me on Instagram. I like the guy. I’ll talk more about MIXofDIZ on tomorrow’s radio show, where I’ll tell you about the man behind the music. His sound is very electronic, but I wouldn’t call it dance music. It’s electronic, but not necessarily EDM, at least not the song I’ve chosen.
Funny enough, I’m a big fan of a movie I really loved back in the day, Blade. And for some reason, I could imagine this song in one of those films. I don’t know why, it’s completely random, but that’s what popped into my head when listening to MIXofDIZ.
His production is fantastic. As an electronic musician, he’s done a great job without pigeonholing himself as an EDM artist. His music would work really well for film, background scores, modern television, or even movies. At least, that’s how I’d imagine it, because his electronic sound has that cinematic quality.
Not every EDM fan wants to listen to dance music all the time. Sometimes, you just want electronic music you can truly enjoy. And that’s exactly what MIXofDIZ delivers. Tune in tomorrow to find out which song I’ve chosen from MIXofDIZ, he’s made it into our Certified Independent Songs of the Week (Season 29, Episode 6)”
Oliver Sean WOAFM99!
MIXofDIZ Featured on WOA Radio (WOAFM99!) S29-E06
“Next, we’ve got MIXofDIZ. Now, MIXofDIZ is quickly becoming a friend of the WOA group. I mean, he comments, he shares, and he’s so into his music, while also supporting other indie music. He falls firmly within our friend circle because any artist like me who supports other artists, who’s happy for other artists, is a very special person. That, to me, is what indie music should be about.
So, MIXofDIZ is actually Brett Watson, he’s the man behind MIXofDIZ. And first of all, the song name is completely out of the blue. I mean, I don’t know of any other artists who name their songs like this. The song is called PROMOTIONaddmecoward.exe, yes, that’s really the name of the song.
And I must say, he’s kind of like a mad scientist in the studio, in a good way! I just love that. The amount of creativity coming from this guy is incredible, and he’s constantly mixing genres and experimenting. And I’m just loving it. The fact that he also loves independent music, he truly loves the indie scene and is always supporting the artists that we’re promoting. He’s commenting, engaging, and whether he agrees or disagrees with what we say about a certain band, it doesn’t matter, he’s part of the conversation.
The fact that he loves independent music as much as I do, and as much as my team does, just makes us feel really good about Brett Watson. MIXofDIZ is his act name or production name, and while he explores different styles, his sound is firmly rooted in electronic music.
He also mentioned how he blends electronic elements, AI, and a human touch, and you can really hear that in his music. It’s quite exciting, you never know what’s coming next. That’s why MIXofDIZ is making it into our Certified Indie Songs of the Week, with his very weirdly named (but brilliant) song.
PROMOTIONadddmecoward.exe all one word, by the way. The more you support an artist or their song, the better their chances of making it onto the WOA Music Award Nomination List. And trust me, that’s a big deal because it’s backed by some major players. Let me tell you”
Oliver Sean WOAFM99!